It is now count down time to the Big Day.  Dishes should be decided and assignments made as to who is bringing what.  However, if you a little behind the 8 ball, not to worry, just get going.  Read over last week’s Marvelous Monday tips in preparation for Thanksgiving Dinner and here are a few more tips to add to the list started in last week’s post, Part 1. This week’s Part 2 is the final post in this series, another easy and delicious recipe. Here we go with the continuation of the list, started in last week’s Marvelous Monday:

  1. Decide on how you will arrange the food and the dining table.  Will the food be on the island, the kitchen table or on the dining table?  For a larger group, most likely on a separate table or the island.  For a smaller group, the dining table may just work.  I like to draw a diagram of the serving table if all sides/entree’ will be there.  The night before or the morning of, I place all serving dishes in place with correct serving spoon/fork/tongs.
  2. Set the dining table so that when guests arrive they see the beautifully set table.  Decide on the dishes/flatware/glasses napkins or linens in advance.  I like to set the table the night before or early in the morning. You can enlist the help of children, just give them a plan of what you have in mind.  As they get older, let them design how the dining table will be set. 
  3. The morning of, if you can get a break to go for a walk or get to the gym before the festivities start, you will be much more relaxed for the day.  Have your clothes selected the day before so you are not having to decide a few minutes before guests arrive.    You want to feel and look your best and a little planning can make that happen.
  4. Consider a special Thanksgiving prayer or a story you have come across to be read at the time you give the Blessing before dinner. Decide who will read it if it is not you. Don’t put guests on the spot to speak or share if they are unaware that you will be doing this. If, in advance, you let guest know with a text or phone call, “Hey, if you are comfortable going around the table as we start dinner telling what you are most grateful for, feel free to share or not.” If gives guests an opportunity to think of something short, as in a phrase, “I am most grateful for my family,” or it gives them an opportunity to share a little more. it may even invite interesting conversation on the topic of the Blessings those around your table have been very fortunate to receive during the past year.
  5. Delegate and make the day fun for you.  If paper plates work best and make you feel less stressed with a big crowd, do it…Remember, “The food is secondary to the people around the table” (MYB), and when you do, the chances are greater  that it will be a Great Day 🦃 
Our serving table is in the kitchen.

Brussels Sprouts

These are so easy and they are really good the next day too.

Here is a recipe to roast Brussels Sprouts.  I like to wash them early in the day, dry them and prepare them so that as it gets closer to dinner, they only need about 40 minutes in the oven-they can easily be popped in while the last minute details of dinner are finished up.   

-Preheat oven to 400 degrees

-1 1/2 pound of washed and trimmed Brussels sprouts

-1 teaspoon sea salt

-3 1/2 Tablespoons olive oil

-1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


  1. Place washed and trimmed Brussels sprouts on a sheet pan (with an edge so oil/liquid does not drip in the bottom of the oven).
  2. Pour the olive oil, salt and pepper over the sprouts and gently toss. 
  3. Place sheet pan in the preheated oven to bake for about 35 minutes, However, you will want to gently toss sprouts about 3-4 times during the cooking process so they will not get too crispy.
  4. When complete, sprinkle with a little more of the course salt and remove sprouts to a serving bowl…Delicious!

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